Programme Steering Committee (PSC)
The Programme Steering Committee (PSC) members consist of Heads of NARES and/or relevant Departments of participating countries, SAC, IFPRI, SDF, and IFAD (the latter two as observers), chaired by Heads of NARES on a rotation basis and co-chaired by the Director of SAC and Director of IFPRI-South Asia Office. The PSC will monitor the progress of the project based on M&E data generated and other available information and will advise on specific issues brought to its attention. It will meet annually to review the progress of project activities and provide overall guidance on project implementation.
The PSC will oversee the progress of programme implementation, provide strategic and policy guidance, give suggestions and guidance on implementation and review progress, approve AWPB, and supervise the audit process.
Project Steering Committee (PSC) Members of the Project Consortium for Scaling–up Climate
Smart Agriculture in South Asia from the SAARC Member States and other Stakeholders
List of PSC members
Country | Name/Designation | Address | Tel no. /Email |
Afghanistan |
Ms. Najibed Ataei Director |
Agriculture Research Institute Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock |
+93 704792760
Dr. Nazmun Nahar Karim Executive Chairman |
Bangladesh Agriculture Research Council Farmgate, Dhaka |
+88 01715 013033 |
Mr. Yonten Gyamtsho Director |
Department of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture and Forests |
+975 17998400 |
Dr. Himanshu Pathak Director |
ICAR-National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management, Baramati, India. |
+91 02112 254055 +91 9437579257 |
Mr. Ali Amir Director |
Ministry of Agriculture & Animal Welfare |
Phone + 960 7787254 |
Dr. Prakash Kumar Sanjel Joint Secretary |
Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development |
+ 977 9841277459 |
Pakistan |
Dr. Ghulam Muhammad Ali Chairman
Pakistan Agricultural Research Council P.O. Box -1031, Plot No. 20, G-5/1, Islamabad |
+92-51- 9245652 +92-300-5565569 |
Sri Lanka |
Mr. R.A.C.J. Perera Assistant Director of Agriculture (Research) |
Field Crop Research and Development Institute (FCRDI) Mahailluppallama, Sri Lanka |
+ 94 25 2249123 + 94 75 9749188
Dr. Md. Harunur Rashid Director
SAARC Agriculture Centre Dhaka, Bangladesh |
+8802 55027712 |
SAARC Secretariat |
Mr. Jamal Uddin Ahmed Director (ARD) |
SAARC Secretariat Kathmandu, Nepal |
+977 9802311066 |
Dr. Shahidur Rashid Director for South Asia
IFPRI, South Asia, New Delhi, India |
+91 9599257814
Dr. Raza Ullah Khan Regional Programme Coordinator Member Secretary |
Project Coordination Unit C-SUCSeS Project, SAC Dhaka, Bangladesh. |
+880 1759 112820 |
IFAD (Observer) |
Mr. Abdel Karim Sma Lead Regional Economist Ms. Liliana Miro Quesada Regional Specialist for Asia and The Pacific |
Asia and Pacific Division IFAD, Rome, Italy |
SDF (Observer) |
Mr. Satya Shiva Saswat OIC, SDF, Bhutan. Ms. Rinzi Pem Assistant Director Social Window, SDF. |
SAARC Development Fund Thimphu, Bhutan |
+975 17652535
Goal & Objective
Component & Activities
Outcomes & Outputs
List of Officials
Organization Framework
Programme Coordination Unit
Target Group of the Programme
Recipient & Donor